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Prevalence of Group b Streptococcus, Its Associated Factors and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care at Arbaminch Hospital, South Ethiopia

Received: 23 September 2019     Accepted: 30 October 2019     Published: 25 December 2019
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Background: Group B Streptococcus colonization of the gastrointestinal and genital tracts of pregnant women usually remains asymptomatic; even if it is the critical determinant of infection in neonates and young infants. It causes early and late onset of invasive Group B Streptococcus (GBS) disease manifesting as septicemia, meningitis and pneumonia. Now it is recognized as an important cause of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality in many parts of the world including Ethiopia where the magnitude of the problem has been little studied. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of GBS colonization, to identify associated risk factors and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of GBS isolates among pregnant women attending antenatal care at Arbaminch General Hospital, Arbaminch, Ethiopia. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted from March - July, 2016 among 281 pregnant women on their antenatal care (ANC) visit at Arbaminch General Hospital (AGH). Consented participants’ information was collected using structured questionnaire. Recto-vaginal swab samples were collected by consecutive sampling technique and inoculated directly onto 5% sheep blood agar (SBA) for isolation of GBS. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed according to the clinical and laboratory standard institute (CLSI) guideline, 2014 by disk diffusion method. Data was coded and entered into EPidata version 3.1 and analyzed by SPSS version 21.0. Bivariate and Multivariate logistic regression analysis were used to ascertain the association between explanatory and outcome variable considering p-value <0.05. Result: The colonization rate of GBS among pregnant mothers was 8.5%. The overall recto-vaginal GBS colonization in this study was not significantly associated with any of socio-demographic and obstetric factors. All of the GBS isolates were susceptible to penicillin, ampicillin and vancomycin. Resistance to ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone, clindamycin, erythromycin, chloramphenicol and gentamycin was found to be 37.5%, 29.2%, 29.2%, 20.8%, 8.3%, and 4.2%, respectively. From a total of twenty four GBS isolates, two showed multidrug resistance. Conclusion and recommendation: This study found that GBS colonization rate was rationally high and most isolates were resistant to the commonly used antibiotics.

Published in American Journal of Health Research (Volume 7, Issue 6)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajhr.20190706.12
Page(s) 104-115
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2019. Published by Science Publishing Group


Group B Streptococcus, Recto-vagina, Antibiotic Susceptibility, Arbaminch

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  • APA Style

    Shimelis Shiferawu, Mekidm Mekonen, Daniel Baza, Temesgen Lera. (2019). Prevalence of Group b Streptococcus, Its Associated Factors and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care at Arbaminch Hospital, South Ethiopia. American Journal of Health Research, 7(6), 104-115. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajhr.20190706.12

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    ACS Style

    Shimelis Shiferawu; Mekidm Mekonen; Daniel Baza; Temesgen Lera. Prevalence of Group b Streptococcus, Its Associated Factors and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care at Arbaminch Hospital, South Ethiopia. Am. J. Health Res. 2019, 7(6), 104-115. doi: 10.11648/j.ajhr.20190706.12

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    AMA Style

    Shimelis Shiferawu, Mekidm Mekonen, Daniel Baza, Temesgen Lera. Prevalence of Group b Streptococcus, Its Associated Factors and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care at Arbaminch Hospital, South Ethiopia. Am J Health Res. 2019;7(6):104-115. doi: 10.11648/j.ajhr.20190706.12

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    T1  - Prevalence of Group b Streptococcus, Its Associated Factors and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care at Arbaminch Hospital, South Ethiopia
    AU  - Shimelis Shiferawu
    AU  - Mekidm Mekonen
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    AU  - Temesgen Lera
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    AB  - Background: Group B Streptococcus colonization of the gastrointestinal and genital tracts of pregnant women usually remains asymptomatic; even if it is the critical determinant of infection in neonates and young infants. It causes early and late onset of invasive Group B Streptococcus (GBS) disease manifesting as septicemia, meningitis and pneumonia. Now it is recognized as an important cause of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality in many parts of the world including Ethiopia where the magnitude of the problem has been little studied. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of GBS colonization, to identify associated risk factors and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of GBS isolates among pregnant women attending antenatal care at Arbaminch General Hospital, Arbaminch, Ethiopia. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted from March - July, 2016 among 281 pregnant women on their antenatal care (ANC) visit at Arbaminch General Hospital (AGH). Consented participants’ information was collected using structured questionnaire. Recto-vaginal swab samples were collected by consecutive sampling technique and inoculated directly onto 5% sheep blood agar (SBA) for isolation of GBS. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed according to the clinical and laboratory standard institute (CLSI) guideline, 2014 by disk diffusion method. Data was coded and entered into EPidata version 3.1 and analyzed by SPSS version 21.0. Bivariate and Multivariate logistic regression analysis were used to ascertain the association between explanatory and outcome variable considering p-value <0.05. Result: The colonization rate of GBS among pregnant mothers was 8.5%. The overall recto-vaginal GBS colonization in this study was not significantly associated with any of socio-demographic and obstetric factors. All of the GBS isolates were susceptible to penicillin, ampicillin and vancomycin. Resistance to ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone, clindamycin, erythromycin, chloramphenicol and gentamycin was found to be 37.5%, 29.2%, 29.2%, 20.8%, 8.3%, and 4.2%, respectively. From a total of twenty four GBS isolates, two showed multidrug resistance. Conclusion and recommendation: This study found that GBS colonization rate was rationally high and most isolates were resistant to the commonly used antibiotics.
    VL  - 7
    IS  - 6
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Medical Laboratory, Wolaita Sodo University, Wolaita, Ethiopia

  • School of Medical Laboratory, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia

  • Department of Nursing, Wolaita Sodo University, Wolaita, Ethiopia

  • School of Public Health, Wolaita Sodo University, Wolaita, Ethiopia

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